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The Galactic Empire: An Empire Reborn
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REVISION 1.1ER 2009-01-14
Revised by Fleet Admiral Tiberius Fel



Honour and integrity. Duty and service. Respect and command. These are but a few of the many noble tenets upon which the Empire was built, and for which the Imperial name is known. These are things that a loyal officer staunchly observes, not only because it is his duty, but because it is what he desires to be. He knows that those who oppose Imperial ideals are enemies of the New Order; that now, in these dark days following the Empire's fall from its height, they are more necessary than ever before.

The Galactic Empire Articles of War details the Imperial military judicial system, to which all fully instated officers of the Empire are subject. While planet-side disputes and civil disturbances are handled through normal means, all officers must adhere to the standards of conduct put forth herein, or face court martial under these Articles. The counterpart to this document is the Imperial Charter, which contains general rules, agreements, and operational policies.

While the vast majority of officers will never in their career stand on trial before the Emperor's Court, there are those who would knowingly harm both the integrity of the Empire, and those loyal to it. As a service to the GE and its officers, this document not only details those actions that are considered offences (see: Punitive Articles), but provides a structured and efficient method for dispensing Imperial justice to offenders.

Any officer who witnesses what they in good conscience believe to be a violation of these Articles should report the incident as detailed in Pre-Trial Procedure... Questions arising from these Articles may be freely directed to the Procurator of Justice or Supreme Commander.


    ... general information pertaining to these Articles
    ... advance arrest & confinement explained
    ... the types & powers of courts-martial explained
    ... the method of reporting a violation of these Articles to the ISB,
    and Imperial Security Bureau handling of such reports explained
    ... the process of a general court-martial (trial) explained
    ... sentences and their limitations explained
    ... routes of appeal for guilty parties explained
    ... acts considered offences under these Articles explained


      1. The Galactic Empire, Empire, GE: Refer to The Galactic Empire online organisation.
      2. Imperial: Describes anything of or belonging to The Galactic Empire.
      3. Officer: Refers to any individual holding "full member status" within The Galactic Empire.
      4. Cadet: Refers to any individual enrolled in the Imperial Academy institution for purposes of training to become an Officer.
      5. Convening Authority: The individual who orders the establishment of (convenes) a court-martial is referred to as its convening authority.
      6. Presiding Authority: The individual who acts as "judge" of a court-martial is referred to as its presiding authority.
      1. All officers are subject to these Articles.
      1. Only the Supreme Commander may convene court-martial of
        1. the ISB General.
        2. the Procurator of Justice.
        3. any officer holding the rank (or equivalent seniority) of a full Admiral, or above.
      1. If an officer is discharged from the GE by order of the Supreme Commander, he has no right to trial under these Articles.
      1. These Articles apply
        1. in all GE places, facets, and facilities; and
        2. in any non-GE place or area in which an individual is representing themselves as a GE officer.
      1. Supreme Commander: The word of the Supreme Commander is considered law in any facet of the Empire, superseding the authority of any other officer or formal document of Imperial Law.
      2. Procurator of Justice: The Procurator of Justice is the "Chief Judge" of the Emperor's Court, and its foremost representative throughout the Empire. The appointed head of the Imperial judicial system, he trials those charged with infractions of these Articles, dispensing justice to the guilty.
        Although a civilian, the Procurator of Justice holds the status of an Imperial Dignitary, and is titled 'Lord'. When acting as presiding authority, he is addressed as Milord by any who stand before the court.
      3. ISB General: The ISB General is considered a legal officer insofar as that he is the only officer besides the Supreme Commander possessing the authority to convene a general court-martial, and acts as Imperial Counsel during the trial. Should the ISB General position be vacant, this role is served by the Division Commander of the officer who stands accused.
    1. ARREST
      1. An officer who is an alleged offender may be subjected to arrest and detainment before a verdict is reached.
      2. As with Incarceration, an officer under arrest may not interact with, participate in, or otherwise involve themselves with The Galactic Empire at large for the duration of their arrest.
      3. The power of placing alleged offenders under arrest is afforded to
        1. the Supreme Commander, without limitation.
        2. the ISB General (or an ISB Agent acting as ISB General) during formal ISB processing of an alleged Articles of War violation, as outlined in 'Pre-Trial Procedure'.
        3. the Procurator of Justice for the duration of a court-martial, as outlined in 'Court Procedures'.
      4. Arrest shall not be employed as a routine practice, but where necessary to safeguard the Empire and its officers during legal proceedings.
        An officer...
        1. who is standing charges consisting entirely of Summary Offences or
        2. whose arresting officer is without strong indication that their continued, active presence within the GE may pose a continued or immediate threat to the Empire, or any of its officers
        ... may not be subjected to arrest and detainment without the authorization of the Supreme Commander.
      5. If an officer is placed under arrest and subsequently found guilty of offences by the Emperor's Court, the Court shall have the option of counting time served in arrest toward sentences of Suspension or Incarceration.
      1. The two kinds of courts-martial within the Empire are--
        1. General Court Martial: A general court martial is convened by the ISB General (or an ISB Agent acting in the capacity of ISB General), after ISB completion of the Pre-Trial Procedure outlined within these Articles. The presiding authority is the Procurator of Justice, or Supreme Commander in his absence or lieu. A general court martial is conducted in accordance with the Court Procedures outlined within these Articles.
        2. Executive Court Martial: An executive court martial is convened by the Supreme Commander at his discretion. The presiding authority is the Supreme Commander, or an alternate officer if so appointed by him. An executive court martial is conducted in accordance with the Court Procedures outlined within these Articles, or by whatever procedures the Supreme Commander may prescribe.
      1. General courts-martial have jurisdiction to try officers for any offence under these Articles, and may adjudge any sentence specified within these Articles under such limitations as the Supreme Commander or these Articles may prescribe.
      2. Executive courts-martial have jurisdiction to try officers for any offence under these Articles, and may adjudge any sentence specified within these Articles or any other punishment the Supreme Commander may prescribe.
      1. An officer reporting a breach of these Articles does so with the Imperial Security Bureau. The report should be mailed directly to the ISB General with a CC to the Procurator of Justice and Supreme Commander. It should include as many specific details as possible, as well as any and all on-hand evidence. (Especially logs of an incident and/or a witness list... If the incident was on IRC, WHOIS and VERIFY data of the alleged offender are also requested.)
      1. The Imperial Security Bureau processes the matter internally, as follows:
        1. Consideration: The ISB General considers, hypothetically, whether the situation described in the report, if factual, would constitute a violation of the GE Articles of War. If no violation is apparent, he e-mails a statement of this to the reporting party/parties (CCing the Procurator of Justice & Supreme Commander), and the procedure ends here.
        2. Investigation: The ISB General has the option of further investigation into the matter if he believes it may be of benefit to the case. This is typically done when submitted evidence appears incomplete, or indicates that further data may be available. (Investigations are conducted by the ISB General or an appointed ISB Agent on his behalf. They may include actions such as questioning involved parties, and seeking out technological evidence, such as logs.)
        3. Review: The ISB General gives a final review to the sum total of all evidence submitted & collected. If there remains a complete lack of evidence implicating the alleged offender, the ISB General has the option of terminating the process here by sending a statement of the same to the Supreme Commander, the Procurator of Justice, the original reporter, and all other applicable parties. Else, the procedure advances.
      1. The ISB General...
        1. Compiles a list of Articles of War charges for pressing against the alleged offender, as well as a package containing all collected & submitted evidence.
        2. Convenes a general court-marital by submitting the formal list of charges and packaged evidence to the Procurator of Justice, with a CC to the Supreme Commander.
        3. Forwards the formal list of charges to the reporting officer, the accused officer, and all other applicable parties informing them that said charges have been pressed, with a formal court-martial convened.
      1. The accused is by default the Defence Counsel, but has the right to be represented by any other single officer of the Empire. The accused may at any time appoint or remove his Defence Counsel through making a formal statement of such to the Emperor's Court, and understands that any statement made by an appointed Defence Counsel shall be considered fully representative of him.
      2. The ISB General (or ISB Agent acting in the capacity of ISB General) is considered the Imperial Counsel and shall prosecute in the name of the Galactic Empire. Often, the involvement of the Imperial Counsel in a trial amounts solely to his presence at the proceedings. He has the optional right of cross-examining any witness brought before the Emperor's Court in defence of the accused, as well as the duty of retaining a copy of all communications & evidence exchanged during the course of the trial until after its conclusion.
      1. Upon convention of a court-martial by its convening authority, the appropriate presiding authority shall review the submitted evidence and prepare to commence a trial. During such preparation, he may expand the list of charges pressed by the Imperial Security Bureau if the received evidence indicates that further offences may have been committed.
      2. The presiding authority, in representation of the Emperor's Court, shall formally commence the trial of the accused, as specified in 'Arraignment'. At minimum, this commencement shall be copied to the Supreme Commander, Procurator of Justice, Imperial Counsel / ISB General, Defence Counsel, and the accused, all of which the presiding authority must ensure remain fully copied on all events and exchanges "within the courtroom" for the duration of the trial, to protect its integrity. Other individuals shall be included and excluded at the discretion of the presiding authority.
      1. The Emperor's Court shall declare a formal trial in progress, presenting the accused with the charges against them, as well as the evidence that has been collected in support of the charges.
      2. Upon such presentation, the Emperor's Court shall grant the accused a period of seventy-two (72) hours in which to enter a plea of 'guilty' or 'not guilty' on each individual charge, and, where 'not guilty', to formulate their defence based on witnesses or other evidence. If appropriate circumstances arise during the grace period, it may be lengthened marginally, at the sole discretion of the Emperor's Court.
      1. If an accused after arraignment makes an irregular pleading, or after a plea of guilty sets up matter inconsistent with the plea, or if it appears that he has entered the plea of guilty through lack of understanding of its meaning and effect, or if he fails or refuses to plead, a plea of not guilty shall be entered in the record, and the court shall proceed as though he had pleaded not guilty.
      2. A plea of guilty by the accused on a charge shall constitute the finding of the Emperor's Court unless the plea of guilty is withdrawn prior to announcement of the sentence, in which event the proceedings shall continue as though the accused had pleaded not guilty.
      1. After expiration of the grace period afforded to the accused during arraignment, the Emperor's Court shall collect depositions, if necessary, as follows:
        1. The Emperor's Court shall issue specific questioning to, and order depositions from, any individuals who it deems need to be questioned in relation to the case, which may include the further questioning of individuals interrogated by the ISB during initial investigation.
        2. The Emperor's Court shall call forth and order depositions from any individuals cited by the accused within his defence as witnesses on his behalf. Following their statements, the Imperial Counsel will then be granted the opportunity to question such witnesses, following which the Emperor's Court itself shall pose whatever remaining questions it deems necessary.
      2. The accused is afforded the right against self-incrimination, and may refuse to give a deposition to the Emperor's Court on the grounds that doing so would incriminate him. Doing so shall not, in itself, constitute Contempt, Perjury, or any other offence under these Articles.
      3. While ordering depositions, it is the duty of the Emperor's Court
        1. to state that the deposition is being collected by a court-martial;
        2. to state that knowingly putting forth false information may be considered Perjury;
        3. to state that failure or refusal to respond without adequate explanation may be considered Failure To Obey Order Or Regulation; and
        4. to formulate its questioning with intent to discover the truth of the situation, and without intent to either prosecute or defend the accused, in order to maintain its necessary position of neutrality during the trial.
      1. If the Emperor's Court collected Depositions during the course of the trial, the Court shall afterward allow the accused to present a "Final Defence". The Emperor's Court shall grant the accused a period of forty-eight (48) hours in which to formulate this Final Defence and, at its sole discretion, may lengthen this grace period marginally if appropriate circumstances arise.
      2. If the Emperor's Court did not collect Depositions during the course of the trial, the initially-presented defence of the accused shall also constitute their Final Defence.
    7. RULINGS
      1. Prior to determining its findings, the Emperor's Court must take into account:
        1. that the accused must be presumed to be innocent until his guilt is established by legal and competent evidence beyond reasonable doubt;
        2. that in the case being considered, if there is a reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the accused, the doubt must be resolved in favour of the accused and he must be acquitted;
        3. that, if there is reasonable doubt as to the degree of guilt, the finding must be in a lower degree as to which there is no reasonable doubt; and
        4. that the burden of proof to establish the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt is upon The Galactic Empire.
      2. The Emperor's Court, taking into account the above, shall determine all questions of law and fact arising during the proceedings, and, if the accused is convicted, adjudge an appropriate sentence.
      1. The Emperor's Court shall announce its findings to the parties as soon as determined.
      2. The Emperor's Court shall announce its sentence to the parties as soon as determined.
      1. Each court-martial must compile a record of the case brought before it, the total contents of which shall be archived into a ZIP file and authenticated by the Supreme Commander.
      2. Court-martial records need include:
        1. In the case of a general court-martial, a complete record of the proceedings, including all admissible evidence and all communications, e-mailed or otherwise, exchanged before the Emperor's Court during the course of the trial, ranging from the trial's commencement up to and including the Court's announcement of its findings and sentence. To this end, the presiding authority of a court-martial shall work in co-operation with the Imperial Counsel to ensure that all necessary evidence and communications are included.
        2. In the case of an executive court-martial, the same items as necessary for a general court-martial, or whatever items as may be prescribed by the regulations of the Supreme Commander.
      3. The Emperor's Court shall be responsible for maintaining an online Court Docket. This Court Docket shall summarise general details of all current & previous courts-martial, including: type, date, presiding authority, accused, Imperial Counsel, Defence Counsel, charge(s), verdict(s), and sentencing.
      4. Mirror copies of the archive of court-martial records shall be held by each of the Supreme Commander, Procurator of Justice, and ISB General, any of which may distribute one or more of the records to an officer upon request, provided that the requesting officer presents adequate justification for their request to access the record.
      5. A copy of the compiled court-martial record shall be given to the accused as soon as it is authenticated.
      1. The Emperor's Court may adjudge any of the following sentences, as listed by severity in ascending order:
        1. Reprimand: A severe and formal reproof from the Empire.
        2. Censure: A reprimand additionally published on the HoloNet, containing the Empire's formal condemnation of the offender's actions.
        3. Facility Prohibition: A temporary prohibition from one or more specifically enumerated Imperial Facilities, ranging between one and thirty days. During this time utilizing the named facilities is forbidden.
        4. Clone Prohibition: Removal of all clones from the Empire, and a permanent prohibition of all clones - present and future.
        5. Punishment Tour: An extension of a standard Censure, including duty in a less favourable or more dangerous area, designed to impose additional humility.
        6. Suspension: A temporary suspension from one's position and rank, ranging between two and twenty-one days. One's privileges are reduced to that of a civilian for the duration.
        7. Severance: A temporary severance from the GE, with suspension from one's position and rank, ranging between two and twenty-one days. Interaction with the GE at large is banned for the duration.
        8. Demotion: Decrease of rank, resulting in loss of position where applicable.
        9. Incarceration: Removal from the roster for a set period of time during which rank is suspended and position is lost. Interaction with the GE at large is banned for the duration, and rank upon returning to duty is determined by the availability of open positions.
        10. Lifetime Incarceration: The officer is sent to a penal colony for an indefinite time-span. Equivalent of expulsion from the GE. As with Incarceration, interaction with the GE at large is banned.
        11. Execution: This is reserved for those offenders whose crimes against the Empire are of such great severity that there is no other reasonable punishment. Execution is similar in effect to Lifetime Incarceration, save that the guilty party is officially dead, with circumstances of their execution appearing publicly. This sentence holds infinitely more dishonour than any other.
      1. Where no minimum or maximum limit is prescribed herein or by the Supreme Commander, the Emperor's Court may adjudge any official sentence.
      2. An individual without any record of prior conviction, who commits a Summary Offence, may receive a maximum sentence of Demotion.
      3. An individual who commits an Indictable Offence or Offences may receive a minimum sentence of Suspension.
      4. An individual who is a repeat offender may receive a minimum sentence of Suspension, regardless of the offence committed.
      5. No General Offence(s) or Summary Offence(s) shall invoke a sentence greater than Lifetime Incarceration.
      6. A sentence of Execution requires the Supreme Commander's express and advance approval.
      7. Where more than one possible sentence may be adjudged, the Emperor's Court shall base its sentence on the severity of the offence, the damage (if any) caused by the commission of the offence, and the motives of the offender, taking into consideration any aggravating or mitigating factors, in the interests of serving no more or less than proper Imperial justice.
      1. Any period of suspension or confinement included in a sentence begins to run from the date it is adjudged, but periods during which the sentence is suspended or deferred shall be excluded in computing the service of the term of confinement.
      2. All other sentences are effective on the date ordered executed.
      1. Although rarely adjudged, a suspended sentence is recorded upon an officer's criminal record in the official manner, but without the guilty party being subjected to further punishment(s) subscribed by the sentence.
      2. The Emperor's Court may, at time of sentencing, elect to adjudge a suspended sentence.
      3. Following a trial, the Supreme Commander may elect to suspend, or vacate the suspension of, any sentence adjudged by the Emperor's Court.
      1. Any individual who has been found guilty of crimes by the Emperor's Court and is yet living possesses the right to appeal under these Articles. (A sentence of Execution revokes all rights to appeal.)
      1. At any time within ten days after a court-martial sentence, the accused may appeal the findings or sentencing of the Emperor's Court to the Supreme Commander, on the grounds of an error of law or fraud on the court. The Supreme Commander shall subsequently and in finality decide to support, mitigate, or overturn the findings and/or sentencing of the Emperor's Court.
      2. At any time within six months after a court-martial sentence, the accused may appeal the findings or sentencing of the Emperor's Court to the Procurator of Justice on the grounds of newly discovered evidence. The Procurator of Justice shall subsequently decide to support, mitigate, or overturn the findings and/or sentencing of the Emperor's Court.
      1. At any time within ten days after the un-successful appeal of newly discovered evidence to the Procurator of Justice, the accused may appeal the appeal to the Supreme Commander, who shall subsequently and in finality decide to support, mitigate, or overturn the findings and/or sentencing of the Emperor's Court.
      1. Any officer who--
        1. commits an offence punishable by these Articles, or aids, abets, counsels, commands, or procures its commission or
        2. causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him would be punishable by these Articles
        ... is a principal.
      1. An accused may be found guilty of an offence necessarily included in the offence charged or of an attempt to commit either the offence charged or an offence necessarily included therein.
      1. The charge of Contempt may only be laid by the presiding authority during the official proceedings of a trial within the Emperor's Court. He may, at his discretion, find any officer who overtly refuses to co-operate with the proceedings of the Court, or acts with disrespect towards the Court through language or deportment, in Contempt of Court, immediately sentencing them to any sentence not exceeding Censure for a first offence, Suspension for a second offence, and Incarceration for subsequent offences during a given trial.
      1. Accessory After The Fact: Any officer who, knowing that an offence punishable by this chapter has been committed, receives, comforts, or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial, or punishment shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
      2. Attempts:
        1. An act, done with specific intent to commit an offence under this chapter, amounting to more than mere preparation and tending, even though failing, to effect its commission, is an attempt to commit that offence.
        2. Any officer who attempts to commit any offence punishable by this chapter shall be punished as a court-martial may direct, unless otherwise specifically prescribed.
        3. Any officer may be convicted of an attempt to commit an offence although it appears on the trial that the offence was consummated.
      3. Conspiracy: Any officer who conspires with any other person to commit an offence under this chapter shall, if one or more of the conspirators does an act to effect the object of the conspiracy, be punished as a court-martial may direct.
      4. Solicitation:
        1. Any officer who solicits or advises another or others to commit a Summary Offence under this chapter shall, if the offence solicited or advised is attempted or committed, be punished as a court-martial may direct.
        2. Any officer who solicits or advises another or others to commit an Indictable Offence under this chapter shall, if the offence solicited or advised is committed, be punished with the punishment provided for the commission of the offence, but, if the offence solicited or advised is not committed, he shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
    5. SUMMARY OFFENCES - Any officer found guilty of a Summary Offence shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
      1. Breach of Alliance: Knowingly acting improperly or aggressively toward any faction or individuals representing any faction with which GE has formed a formal alliance, including failure to obey the allied faction's rules of personal conduct while within their territories.
      2. Conduct Unbecoming An Officer And A Gentleman: Exhibiting lewd or improper conduct deemed offensive or embarrassing to the Empire.
      3. Failure To Obey Order Or Regulation:
        1. Violating or failing to obey any lawful general order or regulation; or
        2. having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by any officer, which it is one's duty to obey, and failing to obey the order.
      4. Impersonating An Officer:
        1. Pretending to be an officer one is not; or
        2. pretending to hold un-held ranks or honours.
      5. Insubordination: Treating with contempt or being disrespectful in language or deportment toward a superior officer.
    6. INDICTABLE OFFENCES - Any officer found guilty of an Indictable Offence shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
      1. Abuse of Power:
        1. Using one's authority to forward personal goals and vendettas above or against the goals of the Empire; or
        2. unlawfully discriminating amongst one's subordinate officers.
      2. Espionage:
        1. With intent or reason to believe that it is to be used to the injury of the Empire or to the advantage of an external faction/organisation, communicating, delivering, or transmitting any GE information or material other than that obviously intended for public viewing; or
        2. communicating, delivering, or transmitting, to any un-authorized party, any GE information or material which has been ordered classified.
      3. False Statements: With intent to deceive, signing any false record, return, regulation, order, or other official document, knowing it to be false, or making any other false official statement knowing it to be false.
      4. Forgery: Presenting or submitting to the Empire, a superior officer, or any officer for an official purpose
        1. an item which is not one's own, but which one claims to be so; or
        2. an item for which one knowingly chooses to cite other than the rightful author/originator as being so; or
        3. an item submitted for credit which has been altered or manipulated in any way outside of the normal creation and update process of said item; or
        4. a multi-player event record which did not take place, was not completed, or did not involve all the named participants; or
        5. a multi-player event record in which all participants were controlled by the same real-life individual
        Items include, but are not limited to: savegames, graphics, and works of fiction... Noting that all items produced by an officer are attributed to that officer, with the identity of the "real life" individual responsible for the officer's character being of no consequence to the definition of this charge. In effect, in the case of Officer B submitting Officer A's items for credit as his own, Officer B is guilty of forgery, even if both Officer A and Officer B are characters maintained by the same "real life" individual.
      5. Insubordinate Conduct Toward High Officials: Committing Insubordination against a Moff, a member of High Command, or any member of the admiralty (naval Rear Admiral and above) or equivalent. Noting that the Emperor's Court may, at its discretion--
        1. escalate a charge of Insubordination to this charge if a particularly contemptuous or disrespectful incident of Insubordination was committed by an officer against their Division Commander, and the Division Commander makes a specific request for this escalation; or
        2. reduce this charge to that of Insubordination, if the officer against which it was committed makes a specific request for this reduction.
      6. Mutiny or Sedition: Any officer who--
        1. takes action, alone or in concert, with intent to usurp, override, overthrow or destroy lawful authority -- including but not limited to: refusing to obey orders or otherwise do his duty or creating any revolt, violence or disturbance -- is guilty of mutiny;
        2. impersonates another officer -- or misrepresents their own rank, position, or office -- with intent to unlawfully exercise un-held powers or privileges is guilty of mutiny;
        3. with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful authority, creates, alone or in concert with any other person, revolt, violence, or disturbance against that authority is guilty of sedition;
        4. fails to do his utmost to prevent and suppress a mutiny or sedition being committed in his presence, or fails to take all reasonable means to inform his superior or commanding officer(s) of a mutiny or sedition which he knows or has reason to believe is taking place, is guilty of a failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition.
      7. Perjury: Committing the offence of making False Statements during a formal investigation, judicial proceeding, or in a course of Imperial justice.
      8. Resistance, Breach Of Arrest, and Escape: Breaking arrest or escaping from custody (i.e.- knowingly defying restrictions imposed by being placed under Arrest or sentenced to Incarceration).
      9. Sabotage: Attempting to prevent the functioning of Imperial property through damage or destruction.
      10. Unlawful Cloning: Creating clones of oneself (additional characters controlled by the same real-life individual) in excess of what is reasonable, for any purpose.
        Reasonability: The Empire considers one (1) clone in each currently open division to be reasonable. For officers who have lost the privilege of clones through a court sentence or decree of the Supreme Commander, no clones are reasonable.
      1. Though not specifically mentioned in these Articles, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the Empire, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the Empire, and crimes and offences, of which officers may be guilty, may be taken cognizance of by an executive court-martial, and punished at the discretion of the Emperor's Court.


  1. Sections of the current Articles of War revision were adapted from the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
  2. For official usage, the recognised method of citing an Article is Article [REVISION]:[CHAPTER]:[ARTICLE].
    (e.g.- "As stated in Article 2001.07.06:VIII:1.a.i.: 'Any officer who...'")

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