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The Galactic Empire: An Empire Reborn
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GE High Command

High Command constitutes the chief commanding body of the Galactic Empire: a collective reference to the officers that perform GE-wide administrative functions or lead major sections of the Empire. If you are unsure of whom to contact, this page will help direct you.

More detailed position descriptions and information may be found within the Imperial Officers' Manual.

Imperial Inner Circle

The Imperial Inner Circle members is comprised of the Supreme Commander and all Division Commanders in the Galactic Empire.

Supreme Commander (SC)

Fleet Admiral Tiberius Fel
The Supreme Commander formulates and approves Imperial policy at the highest levels and also coordinates and supervises the efforts of High Command. Fleet Admiral Fel may be approached by any individual desiring to speak directly to the highest level of command, and reserves the right of final decision over all Galactic Empire matters.
Email: fel@empirereborn.net
URL: sc.empirereborn.net

Commander of the Navy (CoN)

Admiral Jagged Fel
The Commander of the Navy is the leader of the Imperial Navy and oversees the day-to-day operations of the division. Unlike the previous incarnation of this post, Imperial Navy Fleet Commander (NavyFC), the Commander of the Navy has the authority of a full division commander, including personnel management and medal awards.
Email: jaggedfel621@gmail.com
URL: idmr.empirereborn.net/

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Commander of the Army (CoA)

To be announced...
The Commander of the Army is the leader of the Imperial Army. Possessing the authority of a full division commander, the CoA coordinates and oversees all activities of the Army, and is assisted by the Master-at-Arms in matters pertaining to the Army rosters.

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ISB General (ISB-GEN)

To be announced...
The ISB General is in charge of security throughout the Galactic Empire. Officers having problems with abusive or unruly members of the GE – or reporting an alleged infraction of Imperial Law – should send a detailed complaint to the ISB General, with a carbon-copy to the Supreme Commander. The ISB General is also the primary overseer of all official public communications facilities, including the GE IRC Channel and Message Boards.

Operations Directors

Operations Directors typically oversee Imperial Institutions, but may oversee a specific facility or resource. Each officer listed here has jurisdiction over a specific area of the Galactic Empire's operations.

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Imperial Academy Commandant (IAC)

To be announced...
The Imperial Academy Commandant is the chief authority of the Imperial Academy and the highest level of review for all general Academy matters, including staff, courses, and cadet indoctrination and training.

Tactical Co-Ordinator (TC)

Lieutenant General Ramius Antillies
The Tactical Co-Ordinator for the Galactic Empire is responsible for organising all tactical aspects of the Empire; these include (but are not limited to) running the TC site and overseeing – and aiding with – simulation creation. The TC is responsible for the processing of Flight Performance Reports within the combat divisions.
Email: emperorfrecks@aim.com

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Senior Fleet Officer (SFO)

To be announced...
The Senior Fleet Officer is one of the closest-serving officers to the Supreme Commander. A figurehead of the Imperial Fleet, he commands the ISD Chimaera: flagship of the Supreme Commander and the entire Galactic Empire. The SFO may also serve as an assistant to the Commander of the Navy in overseeing division operations.

Chief Imperial Engineer (CIE)

Admiral Jagged Fel
The Chief Imperial Engineer is the director of the Imperial Department of Military Research and is a High Command level temporary duty assignment. This officer is primarily detailed with the creation of new software, modifications to games and other technical alterations for the benefit of the Empire.
Email: jaggedfel621@gmail.com
URL: idmr.empirereborn.net/

Civil Command

Civil Command is composed of civilian (political) authorities with high-level or administrative positions within the Empire. The primary differentiation between Civil Command officers and Operations Directors is that Civil Command officers do not hold military rank.

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Elrood Sector Moff

To be announced...
The Elrood Sector Moff is charged with management of the entire Elrood Sector, the current capital of the Empire Reborn. Officially serving as an advisor to the Supreme Commander, but also carrying the ability to assume specific projects or administrative duties.

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Strategic Development Director (SDD)

To be announced...
The Strategic Development Director, head of the Imperial Department of Strategic Development, is responsible on an Empire-wide scale for the design, development, implementation, and running of large-scale competitions and campaigns. To some degree, the SDD is an overseer and advisor to the Tactical Co-Ordinator. This officer also typically employs staff on Temporary Duty Assignments to aid in the development, review and testing of any new projects under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Department of Strategic Development.

Imperial Dignitaries

As the name suggests, Imperial Dignitaries are exalted members of the Empire who are to be afforded all due respect. They may perform functions both practical and ceremonial.

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Procurator of Justice (PoJ)

To be announced...
The Procurator of Justice is the "Chief Justice" of the Emperor's Court and its foremost representative throughout the Empire. The appointed head of the Imperial judicial system, this officer trials those charged with infractions of the Galactic Empire Articles of War, dispensing justice to the guilty...

Ambassador (AMB)

Fleet Admiral Tiberius Fel
The Ambassador is the chief authority of the Imperial Department of Foreign Relations. He or she is responsible for maintaining diplomatic relations with the Empire's allies and other online clubs. The Ambassador also seeks out new clubs to form alliances with and manages IDFR diplomats on temporary duty assignments.
Email: fel@empirereborn.net
URL: sc.empirereborn.net