The Galactic Empire: An Empire Reborn
Fleet Status...
Although most Imperial Forces are no longer on full wartime duty given the cold war with the Rebellion, all forces stand ready to repel any Rebel aggression!The Galactic Empire was founded on 1998-01-10, and has been in operation for 9890 standard days.
The Empire was under the command of Grand Admiral Daemon for 2239 standard days.
The Empire was Reborn on 2004-02-28, and was under the command of Fleet Admiral Polanski for 781 standard days.
The Empire has been under the command of Fleet Admiral Tiberius Fel for 6669 standard days.
If you're a loyal Imperial interested in furthering the Empire's cause, the GE is for you!
Only through the efforts of dedicated officers will we regain our rightful galactic rule...
Join and Serve the Empire today!
Holonet Status...
For up-to-date news from around the Empire, please visit the News page.
DATA INTEGRITY: <All Data Available>
Any errors should be reported to FA Fel as soon as possible.